Skin Boosters / Skin Bio-Remodelling Treatments
Dull, dry and lacklustre skin can be improved by bio-remodelling products such as Radiesse wash, Restlyane and Profhilo.
How Do Skin Boosters Work
Skin has cells called fibroblasts and these create collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid (HA). As we age we lose these fibroblasts and so less collagen, elastin and HA which makes skin loose, crinkled, and dehydrated. HA attracts water into the skin so provides a dewy complexion. More elastin means the skin springs back when it is touched so appears stronger and more resilient.
There are a number of collagen types in the skin and are the building blocks of younger firmer skin.
The fibroblasts can be stimulated by injecting skin boosters directly into the skin. This improves the overall texture and quality of the skin.
Dull, dry and lacklustre skin can be improved by bio-remodelling products such as Radiesse wash, Restlyane and Profhilo. All products vary from patient to patient and some are more potent than others. The aim is to improve and enhance the radiance of the skin and overall appearance.
Skin Boosters Essex
At Hydro Aesthetics the Skin boosters available are: Radiesse Wash, Profhilo, Restylane and Belotero Revive. All of which are very effective in improving skin quality and appearance.
What you need to know
Radiesse Wash
Treatment Areas
What To Expect
Restylane Vital/Vital Light
What To Expect
Price on consultation.
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