Colonic Hydrotherapy
I feel very passionate about the positive results achieved through colonics and had a light bulb moment when I realized that due to my nursing background, I could train as a therapist and offer people the same treatment that transformed my life into a state of well-being.
Colonic Hydrotherapy
Colon Hydrotherapy (aka colonic, colon irrigation, colon cleanse or colon therapy) is a gentle, safe and effective method to cleanse and remove accumulated toxic waste material from the colon without the use of drugs or chemicals.
At some point in our life we all undertake some form of cleansing programme, we may reduce the amount of alcohol we consume, become more aware of the food that we eat and realize the impact that the pressures of everyday life is having on our bodies, however adjusting our diet alone will not remedy the damage that has accumulated in our gut over time. We are not just what we eat, but mostly what we do not eliminate.
Cleansing the colon is a safe and gentle internal bath, which cleanses the body of excess waste pollutants and toxic substances that are left behind when we naturally excrete. The therapy cleanses the 5ft of colon, one of the most important organs in the body, often referred to as the second brain, it carries out many vital functions including the completion of digestive processes and protecting us from infection and disease.
I feel very passionate about the positive results achieved through colonics and had a light bulb moment when I realized that due to my nursing background, I could train as a therapist and offer people the same treatment that transformed my life into a state of well-being. I had been plagued for many years with constipation caused by irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-C), suffering with bloating, gas, lethargy, dry skin, low mood and numerous other symptoms. It was only after embarking on a series of colonic treatments that gradually my health improved. My energy levels soared, I felt lighter, cleaner and no longer had the heavy bloated feeling in my bowel, I felt invigorated.
Learn more about Colonic Hydrotherapy
Why cleanse the colon?
- the brain and nervous system so we become mentally depressed, sluggish and irritable
- the heart becomes weak and listless
- the lungs excrete foul breath
- the digestive organs are distressed, bloated, there may be offensive smelling flactulence (gas) and indigestion
- the skin becomes dull, sallow, congested and may breakout in spots.
In short every organ is affected with overall health and wellbeing becoming a struggle.
What does Colonic Hydrotherapy help with?
- Constipation
- Diarrhoea
- Distended abdomen
- Abdominal gas
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Hemorrhoids
- Hypoglycemia
- Food cravings
- Menstrual problems
- Allergies
- Depression
- Irritability
- Chronic fatigue
- Headaches
- Insomnia
- Backache
- Arthritis
- Skin problems
- Asthma
- Body odour
What are the benefits of Colon Cleansing?
- Removes and cleans the colon of old hard waste material and harmful toxins caused by our lifestyle, eating convenience processed foods, stress of life/work and also pollution.
- It also stimulates the liver so that we produce more bile, which breaks down food and supports the immune system, in return decreasing toxic overload.
- The natural PH of the gut is restored
- A cleansed colon provides a healthy environment for good bacteria to grow.
- The peristaltic movement of the bowel is stimulated and strengthened promoting regular bowel movement.
- There is better absorption of nutrients from our diet.
- Irritable Bowel symptoms are either eased, reduced or eliminated
- It can aid weight loss and even help to prevent colon cancer.
- Treatments result in increased energy, advanced mental clarity, clearer skin, improved circulation and enhanced immunity.
One colonic removes about the same amount of waste as 12 enemas. A colonic is more productive as the entire colon is bathed in water throughout the session, this will generally take about an hour. This process is not achieved in less than 45 minutes.
What are the different types of Colonic and how do they work?
Gravity Colonics:
There are two different types of gravity colonics.
Closed/Woods System:
A closed colonic is more discrete and most effective. With this type of colonic the therapist will be with you throughout the process manipulating the tubing (controlling the in and out flow) and massaging your abdomen to encourage release. You will lay on a flat table. A speculum will be inserted which is about the size of your thumb. Attached to the speculum are two tubes, one for water in and one for water/waste out. The waste that comes out will go straight into the plumbing. There is a viewing window on the tubing and a mirror is positioned on the wall to monitor what is being released. You will be covered and your privacy will be respected at all times. After the session you will sit on the toilet to ensure you have eliminated all remaining water and loose waste.
With the LIBBE system you will lay on a table that is shaped so that there are places to rest your legs on either side. In the middle of the table is a hole with a tube protruding from it. The tube is fastened inside of the table. The therapist will give you instructions and leave you alone. You will undress, put on a gown, climb onto the table, lubricate the tip of the tube, insert it into your anus, cover yourself and lay back. You will then call the assistant back into the room, they will start the flow of water and will leave you alone. Your colon will fill with water and when you need to release you just push as you would on the toilet and the waste moves out of your body around the tip of the tube and into the hole in the table. The assistant will not be with you through the session and you will massage your own abdomen. An open colonic is better than an enema, but not as productive as a closed colonic.
Pressurized Colonics:
The difference with this system is the water is pushed into your body by a machine instead of flowing in via gravity. This system is by no means dangerous, but they are not as gentle as a gravity system which works with your own natural peristalsis.
About Sue's Colonic Treatments
Tell me about the treatment
- Prior to the treatment a full medical history will be taken and a comprehensive diet, health and lifestyle assessment will be completed.
- It is normal to feel nervous and anxious prior to the first treatment. I explain the procedure and what to expect from the session and give you time to ask any questions before signing the consent form.
- Before the treatment I recommend the client empties their bladder in the adjoining ensuite, the urine is not tested, this is just to ensure the bladder is empty as a great deal of water is introduced into the colon during the treatment, which is absorbed and passed through the kidneys.
- You will be provided with a towel and asked to remove clothing from the waist down.
- You will lie on the bed on your back and wrap the towel around you to maintain your dignity.
- Once on the treatment table I will look, feel and massage your abdomen. I will then palpate your abdomen and listen for any gas pockets.
- You will then be asked to turn on your left hand side on the treatment table. If it is the first time I have treated you I will perform a digital examination, which will ensure it is safe to carry out the colonic hydrotherapy session. Following this I will insert the rectal tube for the colonic hydrotherapy session. Disposable equipment is used on every client. They come in a pack for each individual and are disposed of after use.
- I talk you through every step so you are completely engaged and feel safe during the process.
- You will be asked to move onto your back while I hold the tubing. Warm filtered water is introduced into the rectal tube which is at body temperature to help loosen any impacted faeces and to encourage the bodies own natural peristalsis (movement of the colon).
- Water and waste will then be observed leaving via the outlet tube, this will go straight into the toilet waste. There isn’t any odour, mess or embarrassment, ones dignity is maintained at all times.
- During the session I will continue to massage the abdomen, holding and releasing the outlet tube which encourages the release of waste matter.
- Depending on your presentation enema herbs may be introduced into the colon via an enema bucket. They can help relax spasm in the gut or disperse gas pockets.
- After the treatment, the water will be stopped and you will be asked to lay on your left hand side. The tube is removed and you will then go to the toilet to eliminate any waste matter or water left in the colon.
- You are then free to get dressed and have a glass of water and probiotic capsule.
- An aftercare sheet will be provided and any further advice personal to your treatment will be identified.
Following the colonic session you may not have your bowels open for a couple of days and you may initially wish to pass more urine than normal due to the amount of water introduced into the colon during the session.
Please allow 1 hour 30 mins for an initial colonic treatment and 1 hour 15mins for subsequent treatments.
Why cleanse the colon?
- the brain and nervous system so we become mentally depressed, sluggish and irritable
- the heart becomes weak and listless
- the lungs excrete foul breath
- the digestive organs are distressed, bloated, there may be offensive smelling flactulence (gas) and indigestion
- the skin becomes dull, sallow, congested and may breakout in spots.
In short every organ is affected with overall health and wellbeing becoming a struggle.
What does Colonic Hydrotherapy help with?
- Constipation
- Diarrhoea
- Distended abdomen
- Abdominal gas
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Hemorrhoids
- Hypoglycemia
- Food cravings
- Menstrual problems
- Allergies
- Depression
- Irritability
- Chronic fatigue
- Headaches
- Insomnia
- Backache
- Arthritis
- Skin problems
- Asthma
- Body odour
What are the benefits of Colon Cleansing?
- Removes and cleans the colon of old hard waste material and harmful toxins caused by our lifestyle, eating convenience processed foods, stress of life/work and also pollution.
- It also stimulates the liver so that we produce more bile, which breaks down food and supports the immune system, in return decreasing toxic overload.
- The natural PH of the gut is restored
- A cleansed colon provides a healthy environment for good bacteria to grow.
- The peristaltic movement of the bowel is stimulated and strengthened promoting regular bowel movement.
- There is better absorption of nutrients from our diet.
- Irritable Bowel symptoms are either eased, reduced or eliminated
- It can aid weight loss and even help to prevent colon cancer.
- Treatments result in increased energy, advanced mental clarity, clearer skin, improved circulation and enhanced immunity.
One colonic removes about the same amount of waste as 12 enemas. A colonic is more productive as the entire colon is bathed in water throughout the session, this will generally take about an hour. This process is not achieved in less than 45 minutes.
What are the different types of Colonic and how do they work?
Gravity Colonics:
There are two different types of gravity colonics.
Closed/Woods System:
A closed colonic is more discrete and most effective. With this type of colonic the therapist will be with you throughout the process manipulating the tubing (controlling the in and out flow) and massaging your abdomen to encourage release. You will lay on a flat table. A speculum will be inserted which is about the size of your thumb. Attached to the speculum are two tubes, one for water in and one for water/waste out. The waste that comes out will go straight into the plumbing. There is a viewing window on the tubing and a mirror is positioned on the wall to monitor what is being released. You will be covered and your privacy will be respected at all times. After the session you will sit on the toilet to ensure you have eliminated all remaining water and loose waste.
With the LIBBE system you will lay on a table that is shaped so that there are places to rest your legs on either side. In the middle of the table is a hole with a tube protruding from it. The tube is fastened inside of the table. The therapist will give you instructions and leave you alone. You will undress, put on a gown, climb onto the table, lubricate the tip of the tube, insert it into your anus, cover yourself and lay back. You will then call the assistant back into the room, they will start the flow of water and will leave you alone. Your colon will fill with water and when you need to release you just push as you would on the toilet and the waste moves out of your body around the tip of the tube and into the hole in the table. The assistant will not be with you through the session and you will massage your own abdomen. An open colonic is better than an enema, but not as productive as a closed colonic.
Pressurized Colonics:
The difference with this system is the water is pushed into your body by a machine instead of flowing in via gravity. This system is by no means dangerous, but they are not as gentle as a gravity system which works with your own natural peristalsis.
About Sue's Colonic Treatments
Tell me about the treatment
- Prior to the treatment a full medical history will be taken and a comprehensive diet, health and lifestyle assessment will be completed.
- It is normal to feel nervous and anxious prior to the first treatment. I explain the procedure and what to expect from the session and give you time to ask any questions before signing the consent form.
- Before the treatment I recommend the client empties their bladder in the adjoining ensuite, the urine is not tested, this is just to ensure the bladder is empty as a great deal of water is introduced into the colon during the treatment, which is absorbed and passed through the kidneys.
- You will be provided with a towel and asked to remove clothing from the waist down.
- You will lie on the bed on your back and wrap the towel around you to maintain your dignity.
- Once on the treatment table I will look, feel and massage your abdomen. I will then palpate your abdomen and listen for any gas pockets.
- You will then be asked to turn on your left hand side on the treatment table. If it is the first time I have treated you I will perform a digital examination, which will ensure it is safe to carry out the colonic hydrotherapy session. Following this I will insert the rectal tube for the colonic hydrotherapy session. Disposable equipment is used on every client. They come in a pack for each individual and are disposed of after use.
- I talk you through every step so you are completely engaged and feel safe during the process.
- You will be asked to move onto your back while I hold the tubing. Warm filtered water is introduced into the rectal tube which is at body temperature to help loosen any impacted faeces and to encourage the bodies own natural peristalsis (movement of the colon).
- Water and waste will then be observed leaving via the outlet tube, this will go straight into the toilet waste. There isn’t any odour, mess or embarrassment, ones dignity is maintained at all times.
- During the session I will continue to massage the abdomen, holding and releasing the outlet tube which encourages the release of waste matter.
- Depending on your presentation enema herbs may be introduced into the colon via an enema bucket. They can help relax spasm in the gut or disperse gas pockets.
- After the treatment, the water will be stopped and you will be asked to lay on your left hand side. The tube is removed and you will then go to the toilet to eliminate any waste matter or water left in the colon.
- You are then free to get dressed and have a glass of water and probiotic capsule.
- An aftercare sheet will be provided and any further advice personal to your treatment will be identified.
Following the colonic session you may not have your bowels open for a couple of days and you may initially wish to pass more urine than normal due to the amount of water introduced into the colon during the session.
Please allow 1 hour 30 mins for an initial colonic treatment and 1 hour 15mins for subsequent treatments.
How many colonic treatments will I require?
How will I feel after receiving a colonic treatment?
Are colonics habit-forming?
Does colonic hydrotherapy remove all the good bacteria from the gut?
How much does it cost?
Treatment price: Single session £60.00
Are Colonics painful?
After a colonic, will I need to be near a toilet?
Will colonics clear up my skin?
What are the contra-indications to colonic hydrotherapy?
- Inflammatory bowel disease: Crohns, Ulcerative colitis and Diverticulitis.
- Recent abdominal/rectal surgery
- Heart/Kidney disease
- Severe Haemorrhoids’
- Fissures/Fistulas
- Cancer of the rectum/bowel/ liver or Kidney
- Bowel perforation
- Pregnancy
- Long term use of oral steroids
- Minimum age for treatment is 16 years old. There is no maximum age as long as you have none of the contra-indications listed.
Please call if you are unsure if you have any of the above symptoms. Further advice may be given.
“When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.”
Jean Shinoda Bolen